Our Aims & Values

The Trustees

The Special Care Baby Fund is a registered charity established under a deed of trust in 1983 and a constitution in 2004.

The objectives are the preservation and promotion of good health in neonatal babies, to provide medical equipment and services and to undertake research directly or indirectly essential to support the life of babies in distress at birth for the public benefit including the education, training and support services for staff and parents and others in all matters relating to the health and care of mothers and babies in so far as they are legally charitable.

In setting our objectives, the Trustees have given careful consideration to the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit.


Due to the size and nature of the charity, there is no one senior staff member who has been delegated day to day management. The Treasurer and Trustees therefore oversee the charity on a regular basis.

The current trustees are: NB (s) = a current staff member

  • Chair – Mrs H J Tyler

  • Vice Chair – Mrs J Ash (S)

  • Secretary – Mrs K Lewis

  • Treasurer – Mr A H Quarry

Other trustees

  • R De Vaux

  • F Walton

  • S Cummings

  • D Hart

  • K Fuller

  • N J Adams

  • S Hickling

  • J Powell

  • V Musselwhite (S)

  • G Jenkins (S)